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How to Stay Safe While Driving at Night

With the days getting shorter and winter quickly approaching, you may find yourself having to do more night driving than usual. However, it is important to be aware of the hazards of night driving, as well as how your eyesight changes with age, so that you can remain safe while behind the wheel. In this article we’ll cover some practical tips on how to stay safe while driving at night.

Night Driving Gets Harder With Age: As we age our eyesight naturally deteriorates, meaning that we have a harder time seeing in low light conditions. It is estimated that from the ages of 55-75 our eyesight will lose up to 50% of its night vision capability. So if you find yourself straining to see at night, it could be a sign that you need new glasses or an eye exam.

Be Mindful of How Your Eyesight Changes: As mentioned above, our eyesight changes over time which can affect how well we can see when driving at night. If you are noticing decreased vision in dimly lit areas or trouble seeing clearly when driving after dusk, it could be a sign that your prescription needs updating or you may need a prescription specifically for nighttime driving.

Night Driving Aids: There are many aids available that can help make nighttime driving easier and safer such as yellow tinted lenses, specialized headlamps, and glare-resistant windshields. Additionally, using high beams in appropriate situations (i.e., no other drivers around) can help increase visibility and give drivers greater confidence when navigating roads at night.  

Know When To Stay Off The Roads At Night: If your vision is impaired due to age or any other factor, it may be best to avoid nighttime driving altogether if possible. Additionally, if weather conditions are unfavorable (i.e., rain/snow/fog) consider taking an alternative route during daytime hours or staying home completely until conditions improve.
By following these suggestions and being mindful of how your own vision changes over time, you can stay safe while out on the roads at night!

Make Use Of Your Best Resource: Your Ophthalmologist: Ultimately the best way to ensure safe nighttime driving is by visiting an ophthalmologist regularly and making sure that your prescription is up to date and fits your individual needs (e.g., glasses specifically designed for nighttime use). Taking these steps – along with following the other tips outlined here – will go a long way towards helping you stay safe on the roads this winter season!
