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How Often Should We Schedule Eye Exams?

For many of us, eye exams are associated with back-to-school visits and annual checkups. But how often should you be scheduling an eye exam? What are some good reasons to come in between regular appointments? If you aren’t sure, then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the reasons to schedule an eye appointment and how often everyone should have them.

What Does A “Regular” Eye Exam Mean?
Depending on your age and risk factors, how often you should have an eye exam will vary widely. Children should have their first eye exam around six months old, come back around their third birthday, and again before they start first grade. For patients aged 6-60, it is recommended that they get a comprehensive eye exam at least once every two years. After the age of 60, patients should go for a comprehensive eye exam at least once per year.

When To Schedule An Eye Exam Outside Of Regular Visits
Besides the regular visits outlined above, there are many other reasons why someone might need to schedule an appointment with their optometrist or ophthalmologist outside of their normal visits. Here are some possible scenarios where an additional visit may be beneficial:
•If you experience any sudden vision changes such as double vision or blurriness, it is important to get this checked out right away so that corrective measures can be taken if necessary. •If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition such as glaucoma or cataracts that needs to be addressed by your optometrist or ophthalmologist.  •If you recently underwent Lasik surgery or any other kind of refractive surgery, it is important to follow up with your doctor regularly in order to monitor your progress and make sure everything is healing properly.      •If you wear contact lenses regularly, then having frequent checkups with your doctor can help ensure that your eyes remain healthy and comfortable while wearing them.   •If you work in an environment where dust particles or other environmental stressors could damage your eyesight (such as a laboratory), then it is important to stay on top of these risks by scheduling regular checkups with your doctor.   •Finally, if you notice any changes in color vision (such as difficulty distinguishing shades of blue from green) or difficulty seeing clearly at night time, then these could also indicate potential issues that require further examination by a qualified professional.

In conclusion, when it comes to scheduling regular eye exams for yourself or for family members who may not be able to do so themselves (children under 18), it is important to take into account both age and risk factors when making decisions about how frequently one should receive these types of checkups. As we discussed above, children should typically get an initial visit around six months old and then again before they enter first grade; adults aged 6-60 should get comprehensive exams every two years; those over 60 should receive one each year; and finally there are several situations outlined above which could warrant additional visits outside of those intervals as well depending on the individual case. It is always best practice to consult with your optometrist or ophthalmologist about any questions or concerns related to scheduling regular visits for yourself or for others in order for everyone involved can stay up-to-date on their health! Thanks for reading!
