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What You Should Know About Visual and Ocular Migraines

Migraine headaches are known for their intense throbbing pain, but did you know that there are also other types of migraine headaches? Visual and ocular migraines are just two examples of headache types that can cause visual disturbances and other symptoms without the accompanying pain. This blog post will provide an overview of what visual and ocular migraines are, along with the different forms they can take and how to tell if you may be experiencing one.

Painless Ocular Migraine (Retinal)
A retinal migraine is a type of ocular migraine in which sufferers experience visual disturbances such as flashes of light or blind spots in one eye. These disturbances usually occur before or after a migraine headache. The main symptom of this type of migraine is reduced vision in one eye, which may last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. It is important to note that retinal migraines do not always lead to disabling headaches; in some cases, the only symptom may be the visual disturbance itself.

Migraine With Aura
Migraines with aura are characterized by neurological symptoms such as zigzag lines across your field of vision, flashing lights, or partial blindness. These symptoms typically appear before or during a migraine headache and can last for up to an hour. Some people experience these symptoms without any accompanying pain, while others have both severe head pain and aura-like symptoms at the same time.

Retinal Migraine
Retinal migraines occur when blood vessels in the retina become constricted or blocked off, causing blurry vision or patches of blindness that come on suddenly and last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. Retinal migraines can also be accompanied by blind spots, flashing lights, or other disturbances in your field of vision. Unlike typical migraines with aura, retinal migraines tend to affect only one eye at a time.

If you’ve been experiencing any signs or symptoms associated with visual or ocular migraines—such as sudden changes to your field of vision—it’s important to see your optometrist right away for a comprehensive eye exam. At Lentz Eye Care we specialize in diagnosing and treating these conditions so we can help you find relief from these disruptive episodes quickly and effectively! Don't hesitate—tell us if you’ve been seeing stars! Give us a call today!
