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Understanding The Full Spectrum of Color Blindness

Color blindness is a condition affecting millions of people all over the world. It affects how colors appear to those with the condition and can range from very mild to more severe. For anyone who doesn’t have color blindness, it might be hard to understand exactly how it works and what different types of color blindness exist.

What Causes Color Blindness?
Color blindness is most often caused by a genetic mutation that occurs on the X chromosome. This means that if you are male, you only need one copy of the mutated gene to be color blind, whereas if you are female, you would need two copies for it to affect your vision. While there are some rare cases where a person may acquire color blindness in their lifetime due to illness or injury, for the most part it is a hereditary trait passed down through generations.

Types of Color Blindness
Most people think of color blindness as seeing everything in black and white, but this isn't always the case—there are actually several different types of color blindness. The most common type is known as red-green color deficiency and affects around 8% of males and 0.5% of females worldwide. People with this type may have difficulty distinguishing between shades of reds, greens, oranges and browns—for example they may see green as yellow or blue as purple. Another common type is blue-yellow color deficiency which affects around 1% of people worldwide; someone with this type will have difficulty seeing blues or yellows (or any combination thereof). Finally there is complete monochromacy which affects less than 0.01% of people; someone with this type will see everything in shades ranging from black to white but not in any distinct colors at all.

Color blindness is a condition affecting millions across the globe, so it’s important to know about its causes and different types so we can better understand how it affects those living with it every day. While those with color deficiencies may not be able to see certain colors or shades like we do, they still experience life just like everyone else! Knowing about these differences can help us all create a more inclusive world for everyone regardless of their visual abilities.
