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The Dangers of Driving at Night

Driving during the night can be a daunting task. Daylight hours are already shorter in the winter, making our morning and evening commutes ever more challenging. While many of us feel safer driving during the day, especially if our eyesight isn’t perfect, it's important to be aware of the dangers associated with night driving and take steps to ensure our safety on the roads.

Poor Visibility
One of the most common problems with night driving is reduced visibility. Glare from oncoming headlights can make it difficult to keep your eyes focused on the road ahead. It can also cause eyestrain and fatigue as you constantly struggle to adjust your vision to changing light levels. Additionally, street lights often don’t provide enough illumination for drivers to see curves or hazards in time to respond accordingly. As such, we should always drive at a slower speed during night-time hours so that we have ample time to brake or steer around obstacles.

Driving at night can also lead to fatigue due to prolonged exposure to darkness. It is particularly common among those who work long hours or who are prone to insomnia, as they may not get enough rest between shifts or nights out before they have to hit the road again. Fatigue reduces alertness while driving and can lead to dangerous situations if we fail to pay attention while behind the wheel.

Increased Risk Of Accidents
The combination of poor visibility, fatigue and other hazards such as animals crossing suddenly make driving at night a much riskier proposition than during daylight hours. According to recent statistics, nearly half of all fatal car accidents occur after dark despite only 25% of all miles driven being done so at night time. Moreover, reckless behavior like speeding or drunk driving is more frequent at night than during daylight hours because of fewer witnesses and poorer visibility for law enforcement officers patrolling these roads.

Despite these dangers, there are some simple steps we can take when driving at night that will help us stay safe on the roads — such as avoiding distractions while behind the wheel; reducing speed; keeping your headlights clean; getting enough sleep before heading out; and ensuring that any necessary repairs have been taken care of in advance so that you don’t end up stranded somewhere in pitch darkness late at night! By taking these steps seriously, we can all help reduce our chances of being involved in an accident while traveling after dark this winter season.
