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Eye Color - The Science Behind It

Have you ever wondered why people have different eye colors? We all know that melanin is the same compound that determines skin and hair color, but did you know it’s also responsible for different eye colors? In this blog post, we will explore the science behind why we have different eye colors and how it is determined by a combination of genes and melanin.

The percentages of different eye colors in the population vary greatly – brown eyes dominate at 70-79%, while blue eyes come in second at 8-10%. Hazel, gray, green, red or violet all make up less than 5% of the population. Heterochromia (partly or completely different-colored eyes) occurs in about 1% of the population.

In recent years, scientists have found that eye color isn’t only controlled by a single gene but by as many as 16 genes working in tandem. Melanin production can be triggered by exposure to light and this can cause a gradual change in eye color over time. Even an injury to the eye can cause permanent changes in eye color.  All these factors contribute to why we have such a wide variety of eye colors.

It’s important to note that there are some other factors that influence our eye color such as ethnicity and geographic location. For example, people from Northern Europe tend to have lighter colored eyes than those from South Asia. This is due to differences in genetics between ethnic groups which affects the amount of melanin produced and thus affects the overall color of our eyes.  Additionally, geographical locations may affect our overall complexion due to differences in sunlight exposure which may also affect melanin production within our bodies.

Understanding why we have different eye colors is complex yet fascinating topic! It’s amazing to see how much science has advanced since research began on this topic decades ago! Now we understand how a combination of genes and melanin production contributes to why individuals around the world have such diverse appearances when it comes to their eyes! It’s incredible what genetics can tell us about ourselves!
