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Understanding the Mechanics of Your Eyes

How often do you think about your eyes and the incredible job they do? While you may take our eyesight for granted, there is a lot going on with your eyes that most people don’t realize. From the cornea to the lens, our eyes are made up of several parts that work together to create the images we see. Let’s take a closer look at how these amazing organs work!
The Retina and Optic Nerve
The retina is a thin layer of tissue in the back of the eye that contains millions of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones. The rods are responsible for seeing black and white, while cones are responsible for perceiving colors. Light-sensitive cells send signals through the optic nerve to the brain which then interprets them as images.

The Lens
The lens sits behind the iris and its job is to focus incoming light onto the retina. Our lenses can change shape, allowing us to focus on objects both close and far away. This is called accommodation—the process by which our eyes adjust their focus in order to see clearly at all distances. Accommodation occurs when tiny muscles surrounding our lenses contract or relax, making them either more curved or less curved, depending on what we’re looking at.  

Our eyes have so much more going on than we often realize. From taking in light patterns around us to converting them into images that get processed by our brains, our complex organs are capable of amazing things! We should be thankful for all the hard work our eyes do every day—without them, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate life quite like we do now!  There is so much more going on with our eyes than we often realize - understanding each part helps us appreciate how they work together!  By understanding each part of your eye and how they function together, you can better appreciate these amazing organs and all they do for us every day!
