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Choosing the Right Glasses Frame for Your Face Shape

If you wear glasses, you know what a difference they can make to your appearance. Not only do the frames help correct your vision, but they also frame your face and affect the way people perceive you. With that in mind, choosing the right glasses frame for your face shape is an important decision that should not be taken lightly. Let’s take a closer look at what types of frames work best for different face shapes and how to choose the right one for you.

Round Faces: Round faces are characterized by full cheeks, a rounded chin, and a soft jawline. The best glasses frames for round faces are those with strong angles that create contrast and create an illusion of a more defined jawline. Frames such as square or rectangular shapes will draw attention away from the cheeks and balance out the roundness of the face.

Oval Faces: Oval faces are longer than they are wide with a slightly curved jawline. For oval-shaped faces, look for frames that have wider tops than bottoms such as cat-eye or aviator styles. These types of frames will add length to your face without making it appear too narrow or long. Avoid overly large frames which can overwhelm your features and make them seem out of proportion with your face shape.

Heart Shaped Faces: Heart shaped faces are wider at the forehead and gradually taper down to a narrower chin line with high cheekbones in between. To balance out this facial structure, choose glasses that draw attention away from the forehead while accentuating your cheekbones and eyes. Look for frames that extend downward beyond where your eyebrows end such as round or oval shapes which will help minimize any excess width at the top of your face while emphasizing its natural contours.    

When selecting glasses, it’s important to keep both fashion and function in mind when choosing a frame style that works best for you and flatters your facial features most effectively. By understanding how different frame shapes complement different facial structures, we can ensure our glasses look as good on us as we feel wearing them! Whether you’re looking for something classic like aviators or something more modern like geometric shapes, there is no shortage of options when it comes to finding great glasses frames that accentuate your unique beauty! No matter what type of frame shape you choose, remember to have fun with it – after all, it’s about expressing yourself!
