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Why You Should Schedule Annual Eye Exams

We all lead busy lives, and it can be easy to forget about scheduling regular eye exams. It's important to remember that your eyesight is one of the most crucial aspects of your overall health. That’s why we’re using this blog post to give you five great reasons to remember your eyesight when you’re planning your time!

1. An Ounce Of Prevention…
Many eye diseases, such as glaucoma, are slow-acting and symptomless until it’s too late. However, by catching these diseases early with regular eye exams, you can often prevent or at least slow their progress. So, don't wait until a problem arises - get ahead of the game and schedule an eye exam today!

2. Prescription Changes Can Help Your Quality Of Life
If you already wear glasses or contacts, regular eye exams are essential for keeping them up-to-date. Trying to see without the correct prescription can not only be uncomfortable but potentially even dangerous. Making sure that your prescription is up-to-date means that you'll always have the best possible vision available to you!

3. Detecting Other Health Issues Before They Get Serious
Did you know that some serious health conditions can be detected through an eye exam? Conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes can be seen in the back of your eyes before they show any other symptoms in other parts of your body. This means that if something does show up on an exam, your doctor will be able to take steps to treat it before it gets worse!

4. Protection Against Everyday Hazards
Your eyes are constantly exposed to environmental hazards like dust and UV rays from the sun - things that can damage them over time if left unprotected. At an eye exam, not only will you get a new prescription if necessary but also helpful advice on how to protect yourself against everyday hazards so that your vision remains clear into old age!  

5. Saving Money In The Long Run We understand - going in for a checkup might seem inconvenient now but trust us; regular exams save money in the long run! Catching a disease early or getting a new prescription before it becomes too outdated both mean saving money on treatment or replacement costs down the road - so do yourself (and your wallet!) a favor and make time for an appointment soon!  

Scheduling annual eye exams is essential for maintaining good vision and overall health as well as for detecting potential issues before they become serious problems requiring costly treatments or replacements down the road. We hope this blog post has helped convince you why taking care of your eyes is worth making time for - make sure to schedule an appointment soon!
