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Flex Spending - What Eyecare Expenses Are Covered

If you have a flexible spending account (FSA), you're already on the path to smart financial planning. But do you know just how beneficial it can be for your eye health?

Let’s explore the world of flex spending and shed light on the eyecare expenses that are covered.

Understanding Flex Spending Accounts

A flexible spending account, or FSA, is a tax-advantaged account that allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars for qualified medical expenses. The beauty of an FSA lies in its flexibility – it covers a wide range of healthcare costs, including many related to eye care.

Covered Eyecare Expenses: A Clear Vision of Savings

  1. Prescription Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses:
    • Your FSA can be your eyewear ally. Prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses are typically covered expenses. Whether you're updating your frames for a fresh look or stocking up on a year's supply of contacts, your FSA has you covered.
  2. Eye Exams:
    • Routine eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Good news – expenses related to eye exams are usually eligible for reimbursement through your FSA. Regular check-ups not only keep your vision sharp but also help detect any underlying issues early on.
  3. Prescription Sunglasses:
    • Many FSAs cover prescription sunglasses, allowing you to shield your eyes while enjoying clear vision outdoors.
  4. Pre & Post Operative Eye Care:
    • Whether you're gearing up for a transformative eye surgery or basking in the post-op glow, your FSA is the unsung hero here. Alleviate the financial strain associated with both pre and post-operative eye care.
  5. Reading Glasses:
    • If you've reached that stage where you need a little extra help with close-up tasks, fear not. Reading glasses are often considered a covered expense, ensuring you can tackle that reading list or decipher small print without straining your eyes.
  6. EyePromise Supplements
    • EyePromise supplements go beyond the lens, providing a nourishing boost to your eyes' health. So, let your FSA dollars work their magic – ensuring not only optimal vision but also embracing the proactive path to eye well-being. We are a proud partner of EyePromise Supplements because their products actually work, using the highest quality ingredients and backed by clinical research.

Tips for Maximizing Your FSA Benefits

  • Plan Ahead: Start the year by estimating your potential eye care expenses. This way, you can allocate the appropriate amount to your FSA, ensuring you make the most of this financial resource.
  • Check Your FSA Balance: Stay informed about your FSA balance throughout the year. Unused funds may be forfeited at the end of the plan year or during a grace period, so plan your eyecare expenses accordingly.
  • Keep Records: Maintain receipts and documentation for all eligible eye care expenses. This documentation may be required for reimbursement or verification purposes.

A Brighter Future for Your Vision and Finances

Flex spending accounts offer a valuable opportunity to prioritize your eyecare without straining your budget.

Make 2024 the year you leverage your FSA to invest in the well-being of your eyes – after all, good vision is a priceless asset!

Lean on our experts at Lentz Eye Care to help with all your eye care needs. We have two locations in Wichita and one in Newton! Schedule an appointment today.