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Why a Back-to-School Eye Exam Should Be at the Top of Your To-Do List

As the new school year approaches, parents are busy getting their children ready with new clothes, backpacks, and supplies. However, there is one critical aspect of back-to-school preparation that many parents overlook: an eye exam. Did you know that one out of four children has vision problems, but only half of parents with children under 12 have taken them for an eye exam? In this blog post, we will discuss why a back-to-school eye exam should be at the top of your to-do list and how it can make a significant difference in your child's academic performance, sports participation, and overall well-being.

Vision screening vs a comprehensive eye exam
It is essential to understand the difference between a vision screening and a comprehensive eye exam. While schools often perform visual screenings, such tests only check for visual acuity. On the other hand, comprehensive eye exams test for visual acuity, chronic diseases, color vision, depth perception, and eye coordination, among other things. A standard school vision screening mainly checks distance vision, which could miss near vision issues such as farsightedness. Amblyopia (lazy eye) and eye coordination issues could also go undetected during screenings, even though they may significantly affect a child's academic performance and quality of life. Eye exams ensure early detection and appropriate treatment.

Not all vision problems are obvious
Many parents may think that their child does not have any vision problems because they do not show any obvious signs. However, some vision issues, such as myopia (nearsightedness), may have no noticeable symptoms. A child may not realize they have poor vision because it is normal for them, and they may not know how much clearer their vision could be with correction. Eye exams can detect and correct these issues early, leading to better academic performance and quality of life.

Set your child up for success:
Most of what a child learns in school is visual, meaning that if they have undetected vision problems, they might struggle to keep up with their peers. Studies have shown that students with uncorrected vision problems have lower academic achievement and participation in extracurricular activities than those without vision problems. Furthermore, they may have difficulty reading, writing, and even copying notes from the board, leading to frustration and lack of motivation. Eye exams can detect vision problems that affect a child's school performance and quality of life.
Many sports require good vision and eye hand coordination too. Poor vision can affect a child's ability to perform well in sports and may even make them avoid participation altogether. An eye exam can detect vision problems that affect sports performance and lead to appropriate treatment, such as prescription glasses or contact lenses.

A back-to-school eye exam should be at the top of every parent's to-do list. Undetected vision problems can significantly affect a child's academic performance, sports participation, and overall well-being. While schools may perform visual screenings, they do not check for near vision issues, amblyopia, or eye coordination problems. Eye exams can detect and correct these issues early, leading to better academic achievement, sports performance, and overall quality of life. Don't put off your child's eye exam any longer; call Lentz Eye Care today!
