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What to Know About Dry Eye and a New Treatment Option Now Available!

Do you often experience dryness and discomfort in your eyes? You might be suffering from dry eye syndrome. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, dry eye can lead to serious eye health problems if not treated properly. This common condition can be triggered by various factors, including medications, allergies, and aging. In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of dry eye and provide tips on how to prevent and treat it.

Firstly, let’s talk about the causes of dry eye. Our eyes have a tear film that serves as a protective layer and keeps them moist. The tear film consists of three layers: an outer oily layer, a watery layer, and an inner mucus layer. Any disruption in the composition or production of this film can lead to dry eye. For instance, antihistamines, antidepressants, and birth control pills can all cause a decrease in tear production. Additionally, dry, windy, or smoky environments can increase tear evaporation, resulting in dry eyes.

Aging is another factor that can cause dry eyes. As we age, our eyes produce fewer tears, leading to a higher likelihood of dry eye. Women are more susceptible to this condition due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause. Similarly, autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren's syndrome can cause dry eye.

One of the most common causes of dry eye is excessive screen time. Long periods spent staring at digital screens can cause our blink rate to decrease, leading to a disruption in the tear film. This is known as computer vision syndrome, and it affects millions of people globally. By taking regular breaks and following the 20-20-20 rule, which involves looking away every 20 minutes at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds, you can help alleviate symptoms of dry eye.

What can be done about dry eyes?
At Lentz we are excited to offer you the newest technology for the treatment of dry eyes:

We are the first and currently only place in Wichita, KS to offer this treatment for dry eyes.
Equinox LLLT Utilizes photobiomodulation -- specially designed LED lights to deliver focused light that targets the cellular
power plants of the cells, the mitochondria. It's Non-Invasive, Pain-Free & Stress-Free. This technology developed by NASA has been used in Dermatology successfully for 15 years. Treatment time is as little as 15 minutes.

Find out more by clicking here or calling Lentz Eye Care today at 316.634.2020. 
