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A Comprehensive Guide to Heterochromia

Heterochromia is a medical term used to describe when a person’s eyes are two different colors. It’s a rare condition, but it can occur in both animals and humans alike. In this blog post, we will discuss the various forms of heterochromia, the causes behind it, and how it has been portrayed in folklore.

Different Forms of Heterochromia
Heterochromia can be broken down into three categories based on where the color difference occurs: Complete Heterochromia, Sectoral Heterochromia, and Central Heterochromia.
Complete Heterochromia is when one eye is completely different from the other eye in terms of color. This type of heterochromia is quite rare, but it does exist.
Sectoral Heterochromia is when only part of one eye has a different color than the rest of that same eye. An example would be an individual whose left eye appears blue but with a green streak running across it.
Central Heterochromia is when the pupil or iris around the pupil have different shades of color or are completely different colors from each other. This type of heterochromia is also rare and may appear as golden flecks within a blue iris or as a ring around the pupil with a lighter color than that of the rest of the eye's iris.

The Causes of Heterochromia
The cause behind heterochromia can vary greatly depending on which form you have and why you have it. For instance, central heterochromia can occur due to injury or disease such as Fuchs' Dystrophy or pigmentary glaucoma; these conditions cause changes in pigmentation due to inflammation or scarring leading to changes in hue and shade in your eyes over time. On the other hand, complete and sectoral heterochromia may be caused by genetics or even birth defects such as Waardenburg Syndrome which affects your skin, hair, hearing and eyesight all at once and sometimes leads to complete heterochromia eyes in some individuals with this syndrome.

Heterochromia in Folklore
Heterochromia has been portrayed as something mysterious throughout history - many people who had heterochrome eyes were believed to possess special powers, like being able to see into future events or communicating with spirits from beyond this world! In some cultures, they were thought to be blessed by gods while others feared them because they saw them as omens for bad luck! The most famous example comes from Greek mythology where Odysseus was said to have had one brown eye and one blue eye; he was said to possess great wisdom thanks to his unique eyesight!

We Want To See Your Eyes! Whether Or Not They Match!  

Overall, having two different colored eyes isn’t anything unusual - many celebrities have been known for having this unique feature including Kate Bosworth and Mila Kunis! While having heterocroma can make for an interesting conversation starter at parties (or just about anywhere!), if you notice any changes in your vision make sure you contact Lentz Eye Care right away so we can help diagnose what might be causing any issues with your vision health. Don’t wait until something turns into an emergency – schedule your appointment today!  We look forward to seeing you soon!
