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How to Make Your Home Eye-Safe

We all want our home to be a safe and secure place, but did you know that 44% of all eye injuries happen in the home? Our eyes are delicate, so it’s important for us to take steps to ensure their safety. Here are some tips on how to make your home a safe and eye-friendly environment.

Identifying the Home’s Main Eye Safety Risks
The first step in making your home more eye-safe is to identify the common risks associated with eye injuries. Some of these risks include certain types of sports equipment, tools, cleaning supplies, chemicals, and other objects that can cause harm if mishandled. It’s also important to be aware of any potential hazards in the kitchen or bathroom such as sharp objects or scalding liquids.

How To Make Your Home Eye-Safe
Once you have identified potential hazards in your home, it’s time to make it more eye-safe. One way is by ensuring that all potentially harmful objects are stored securely out of reach of children or pets. You can also invest in protective eyewear such as goggles or safety glasses when handling sharp tools or dangerous chemicals. Additionally, you should keep emergency numbers posted near your phone so they can be easily accessed if needed.

Be Ready With a First Aid and Emergency Plan
In addition to taking preventive measures, it’s always wise to have a first aid and emergency plan ready for any situation that may arise. Ensure that everyone living at home knows what steps need to be taken in case of an emergency such as knowing where the first aid kit is located or who needs to be contacted immediately. Also consider asking your optometrist at Lentz Eye Care any safety questions you may have. They will be able to provide additional information on how best to protect yourself and family members from potential ocular dangers at home.

Ensuring that our homes remain safe havens for our families should always be a priority for us all — this includes making sure our environment is eye-safe too! By following the tips above and being prepared with an emergency plan, we can help minimize risk factors associated with ocular injuries in our homes and prevent them from occurring altogether! If you ever have any further questions about how best to make your home more eye-safe don't hesitate to ask your optometrist at Lentz Eye Care for further advice!
