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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Know the Risk Factors and Importance of Early Detection

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s important for women to know their risk factors as well as the importance of early detection. Thanks to the American Cancer Society and dramatic improvements in cancer research, treatment and early detection, millions of women are surviving breast cancer today.

What Are The Risk Factors?
Risk factors for breast cancer can include age, family history, genetics, lifestyle habits such as drinking alcohol, weight management, and physical activity levels. Women over 50 are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than younger women due to changes in hormone levels that occur during menopause. Women with relatives who have had breast or ovarian cancer may be at higher risk. Genetics testing can indicate if someone has certain gene mutations that increase their risk.

Being overweight before menopause has been linked to an increased risk of post-menopausal breast cancer, while being physically active may reduce your risk. Additionally, regularly drinking alcohol has been associated with an increased risk; however it should be noted that even moderate drinking increases your risk compared to not drinking at all.

Why Is Early Detection Important?
Early detection is immensely important for successfully treating breast cancer because catching it in its early stages greatly increases the chances of successful treatment. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month and all year round, it’s essential for women to make screening a priority in order to detect any potential issues as early as possible. Regular screenings such as mammograms can often find breast cancer early when treatments are more likely to be successful. Additionally, self-exams are an effective way to detect any irregularities or changes in your breasts that require further medical attention.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Know the Risk Factors and Importance of Early Detection This month serves as a reminder for all women that staying aware of their health and understanding their personal risks for developing breast cancer is vital for their wellbeing. Being aware of lifestyle choices that may increase one’s risk is essential for prevention; furthermore, knowing the importance of early detection could save lives by giving a greater chance of successful treatment if needed. Taking time this month—and every month—to learn about these topics can empower us all!
