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Everything You Need to Know About Cataracts

Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over the age of 40 and the principal cause of blindness throughout the world. This can be an overwhelming and frightening prospect, so we want to make sure you know all the facts about cataracts, their signs and symptoms, and treatment options.

What Are The Signs?
The most common symptom of cataracts is blurred or cloudy vision. Other symptoms include sensitivity to light and glare; halos around lights; double vision in one eye; fading or yellowing of colors; difficulty seeing at night; and frequent changes in your eyeglass prescription. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to talk to your doctor right away.

Treatment Options
Cataract surgery is the only way to treat a cataract. During this quick procedure, an ophthalmologist will remove the clouded lens from your eye and replace it with a clear artificial lens (an intraocular lens). It’s important to note that not everyone needs cataract surgery as soon as they develop a cataract—it depends on how much your vision has been affected by the condition. However, it’s important to have regular checkups with your ophthalmologist so that they can monitor the progression of your cataracts.

Prevention Is Key!
Although there is no proven method for preventing cataracts, there are certain steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing them. These include wearing sunglasses when outdoors in order to protect your eyes from UV radiation, eating a healthy diet filled with vitamins C and E (which are both antioxidants), not smoking, managing any chronic health conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure (both increase risk for developing cataracts), and having regular checkups with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

All in all, knowing about cataracts is essential in order for us to stay informed about our overall health and wellbeing. While unfortunately there’s no sure-fire way yet to prevent them from occurring, being aware of their warning signs helps us stay mindful if/when they do develop. Additionally, having regular checkups with an optometrist or ophthalmologist increases our chances of catching any issues early on before they become more serious—and having access to treatment options like those provided by modern-day surgeons means we don’t have to worry too much about vision loss due to these conditions! Knowing all this information gives us peace of mind if/when we ever encounter cataracts down the line—or even just now during our research into this condition!

At Lentz Eye Care, we are committed to helping you achieve clear and healthy vision. As you age, watch for changes in your vision, as well as for signs of cataracts. We want to make sure you get the most accurate information and excellent care for your individual needs!
